Aurora Health Care

Innovative Organizations - 2016

Aurora Health Care is an integrated, not-for-profit, and all-for-people health care provider serving communities throughout eastern Wisconsin and northern Illinois. Today Aurora serves communities throughout eastern Wisconsin and northern Illinois, with 15 hospitals, more than 150 clinics and 70 pharmacies in 30 communities. Aurora strives to offer services that are close to home, and help make the whole community healthier.

For nearly 20 years, Aurora has been a leader in the healthcare online space. As early as 2000, visitors to the Aurora website could submit questions to cardiologists online and librarians were available to assist visitors with research on any health topic. In 2003, first iteration of MyAurora was introduced, allowing visitors to create accounts and receive customized content, including information about nearby locations, health information based each user’s health history and a prescription medication tracker. By 2005, visitors could request prescription renewals online and explore “virtual house calls,” with self-care information for adults and children.

Aurora was also an early adopter of podcasting in 2007, CEO vlogging in 2007 and streaming patient story vignettes in 2009. Aurora continues to be a leader in the industry, with a recent website redesign that completely rethought the site’s primary navigation, taking a user story approach to the homepage.

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