Reed Smith

Innovative Individual - 2020

Reed Smith, VP of Digital Strategy at Jarrard Phillips Cate & Hancock, is a digital transformation expert who helps clients ask themselves, “how do people want to connect with us?” and then build a plan using digital tools to make those connections.

His work lies at the intersection of change management, patient experience, and consumer behavior in healthcare.

Prior to joining Jarrard Inc., Smith spent over 15 years in healthcare marketing first as a hospital marketing director, then overseeing product development for the Texas Hospital Association, and finally as a strategist working with some of the world’s largest healthcare brands and providers.

Smith brings a unique perspective to the firm thanks to his pre-healthcare days working in both telecommunications and professional sports. In addition to founding the Social Health Institute, he is a founding advisory board member for both the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network, and the health & wellness track at the SXSW® Interactive Festival. When he’s not advising clients, you can find Smith behind the mic with co-host Chris Boyer on the touch point podcast, a weekly show about patient experience and digital marketing in healthcare.

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